The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Market and Operating Performance ff Egyptian Firms: The Role of Board Gender Diversity

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University


The relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and firm performance is still up for debate among scholars, despite evidence that enterprises and capital market participants view CSR as becoming increasingly significant. The purpose of this research is to investigate how Egyptian companies' market and operational performance are affected by corporate social responsibility. In light of the function of gender diversity on boards the study sample concentrated on non-financial enterprises and eliminated financial companies by applying to the Egyptian market in the period from 2015 to 2019, resulting in 68 companies under study. Additionally, the variables in the study were categorized as follows: a control variable (BGD%-Size-lev-Big4-Age-SG), an intermediate variable (gender diversity), a dependent variable (Tobnis Q-operating margin performance), and an independent variable (corporate social responsibility). Furthermore, financial accounts, reports, and the global database Thomson Reuters were sources of the data needed for statistical analysis., The research's most important findings were as follows: (CSR) has a positive significant relationship with Tobin's Q, and (CSR) has a positive significant relationship with OPM. CSR and OPM have a significant positive relationship. There is a positive significant relationship between (CSR*BGD) and OPM. Applying Robustness analysis, the relationship between CSR and operational performance that was not significant in GLS analysis has been changed to a significant relationship among them.

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