Capability of creating an optional unified currency between Egypt and Sudan

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية




This research deals with the concept of optional currency in general, and Arab economic cooperation within optional unified currency, it considers the problem of Egyptian-Sudanese- currencies without this optional currency, and how this optional currency can solve their problem.
The Egyptian-Sudanese cooperation has walked a long way since the mid-seventies of the last century, in phases that are sometimes connected, sometimes intermittent and frozen in other times. However, the talk about integration has not stopped, since independence has remained the preferred integration towards unity between the two countries as a desired goal for a large number of Egyptians and Sudanese, as we have seen that the slogan of the unity of the Nile Valley appears from time to time and appears to reality in one way or another.
So, the researchers apply a gravity model to study the capability of creating an optional unified currency between Egypt and Sudan, after applying gravity model between Egypt and Sudan researchers argued that there is a great capability for creating the currency, and argued that the two nations can benefit from coordination with a common optional unified currency.

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